“Randy and Lisa, we truly appreciate your professionalism and that of your crew. The quality of the work and workmanship on our new house in Newport is exceptional. We know that the weather provided a challenge, but the final product is greatly appreciated.”

— H. & A. Pritchett

“Scott (was) very helpful in explaining options, choices and seemed unusually sensitive to and aware of my needs and concerns. One of the young men cleaning up the debris was alert to my difficulty carrying groceries and offered to carry the bag to the door, which I gratefully accepted. My car was outside the garage, so I had much farther to carry the load – so considerate and aware!! Ron was great in informing me about timing.”

— J. Lillehei

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Sprick Roofing Co., Inc.
Office & Showroom
115 NE Walnut Blvd
Corvallis OR 97330-4258
Send us an e-mail

Oregon CCB# 50461

Residential Roof - Historic HomeRound Commercial RoofRoofing Display

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“If you want anything said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman.”

— Margaret Thatcher